WHVACR Scholarships

WHVACR Scholarship Program

Congratulations on picking an awesome profession! The opportunities for women in HVACR professions continues to grow. With over one third of the population in the US retiring in five years, current industry estimates project a need for 86,000 employees over the next five years. One of WHVACR goals is to help the industry fill this demand now and going forward with deserving and qualified candidates. In 2025 Women in HVACR is delighted to be able to increase our scholarship award amount to:
Six - $5000.00 Scholarships *Qualifications Apply


Scholarship A) - Technical College or Trade School

  • Open to females currently enrolled in a college or trade school preparing them to enter into the HVACR industry.
  • GPA of 3.0 or greater
  • Completed Application & Essay. Minimum of 500 words answering questions below

Scholarship B) - Bachelor's Degree Program at Four Year College

  • Open to females currently enrolled in a college or trade school preparing them to enter into the HVACR industry through a relating degree in a 4 year college.
  • GPA of 3.0 or greater.
  • Completed Application & Essay. Minimum of 500 words answering questions below.

In Essay format, please explain:

  1. What motivated you to seek a career in the HVACR industry?
  2. Discuss your long term professional goals relevant to the profession.
  3. Describe how a career in HVACR will provide a positive impact to your professional goals and career path.
  4. Explain the importance of (your major) in today’s society, and for the future.
  5. What do you feel are the most important issues facing your field today?
Email or mail completed essay and cover letter with scholarship application and a copy of GPA transcript.
Any application before June 1st will be eligible for our 2025 scholarships. Any applications recieved afterwards will be entered for the following year. Winners are announced sometime between July & August of every year.
Scholarships awards will be announced by the end of June.
Scholarship will be received after proof of attendance of a semester.
Must Complete Application in Full
  1. Scholarship APPLICATION on website
  2. Essay as described above
  3. Headshot
  4. Reference letters (at least 2)
  5. Transcript
  6. Proof of Your current Trade/School ATTENDANCE

Additional Scholarship Opportunity Through

HVACRedu.net would like to offer the Tech Launch Program
One scholarship per year valued at $2,665.00
The HVACR Tech Launch Program is a comprehensive online HVACR education program encompassing heating, ventilation, air conditioning, and refrigeration.
HVACRedu.net, founded in 2000, provides consulting and online access to complete, comprehensive, and growing online educational programs, recognized by the leading experts in the Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning, Refrigeration, Building Performance industries and utility companies as the primary online education resource. Quality education, student success, and exceptional customer service are the primary objectives.